Ádh mór ort

Dancing for the wind, singing for the desert river.
Nature will always be more favorite spectator.

Lyhde Lad 🌿

A Viera? No. A Pixie, child of the First.
Gender is a glamour that change with a trick of light.
Saw Mhach & Amdapor start the War of the Magi

Little details about Lyhde often change with the weather, their mood or what they ate. But you will never see their hair anything but the vibrant green, the same you can see when spring start to settle in. Only the tips are blond, like some old memory of the colors they might have been in a distant past. That or maybe they just like the color, who knows? The reason is probably the same for the bright purple hues their eyes often are or the light greenish tint their skin has.

Lithe and energetic, it is quite hard to really gauge Lyhde height mostly it would require them to stay in place long enough for that. They're average, neither very tall nor very small. With fast they are on their feet, one might think that Lyhde weight nothing and, while it's not the exact truth, they still weight way less than they should. But it's far from the only weird thing about Lyhde.

❦ Trivia

• Casting comes naturally to Lyhde. They don't need focusing staff or catalysis to channel aether into spells, they can do it at will. Of course, it still costs them like anyone else casting but the channelling process does require some tools. Lyhde likes the aesthetic of a pretty staff with a shiny orb so they will use them, whether for black or white magic… or just knock out someone with a good smack of their strongest babies (could be on the head, could be somewhere else).

• As a pixie, Lyhde was very good at easing nightmares and they still can do it. It's harder than in the First for them and it takes a lot of energy but they can ease someone's sleep with a direct touch. They actually use dynamis to change the "tone"/mood of the dreams, even if they call it "mothú" in Pixie tongue, but they can't actively interact with the dream to change them. At least not while they're awake but they never tried to "enter" someone's dreams since they're trapped in a Viera body.

• Lyhde can use glamour as easily as any magic. They can create illusions on themself, others and objects. The more people they need to trick, the harder it is but there's also the fact that some people are just harder to trick due to their nature, their temperament or their gifts/echos. On the other hand, it's also easier when people want to be tricked or just "believe what they see". Glamour doesn't require a lot of power to the point that Lyhde uses some on themself constantly to hide some "too strange" feature of them.

• The previous host of Lyhde body has the Echo but their soul got attached, it changed due to their nature. Lyhde is now more sensitive to people aether mainly through two senses: sight, allowing them to vaguely see an aura-like shimmer on people ; and taste. The second one is the most developed, resulting in Lyhde often licking people at some point, to get a taste of them as a way to get to know them even better. Every individual has their own taste which may vary with the dynamis/mothú influence and it's also true with their sight. Lyhde is better at remembering taste rather than faces.

S e e d s 🌱

✤ A R C A N E - M A S T E R
While they will never call themselves that, the fact that they learned Black and White magic directly from the Mhachi and Amdapor people and that they kept practicing it through centuries give them some expertise in the casting field. The only trouble is that they're a very poor teacher overall. And if you're looking for information about the War of Magi, you will probably never get an answer but many new problems…

✤ H O A R D E R - E X T R A O R D I N A I R E
The main reason for Lyhde to travel is to enjoy nature's beauty, meet new people but also find some sparkly/pretty things to collect and carry back to add to their collection. If you happen to have a shiny stone, some unknown dried flower, pretty handcraft, Lyhde is going to do everything they can to convince you to give it to them… or to find a way to steal it from you.

✤ V O I D M A G E - H U N T E R
There's not a lot of things that Lyhde really hates, mostly because it's a waste of time in their opinion. But Voidmages are on that very short list. Most of them were taken by the Calamity of Water but, from time to time, some lunatics find a book and try to revive the art. Lyhde hunts those down without mercy.
Voidsent are a whole different matter. Lyhde has no qualms with them, especially since they know what it's like to be away from their Shard…

✤ T R A V E L E R - O F - D R E A M S
Some rumor says that a green Viera can cure someone of their nightmares and restore one's dreams. But you need to be willing to rest a night or two at Lyhde's place to grab some rest free of the shadow of the dreamscape. Wouldn't be too bad if there weren't other rumors talking about people that never came out of the house after going in…

• OOC •

- B O U N D A R I E S -• Due to personal reasons, I will never play explicit sex scene/situation IC, in roleplay. But I'm totally fine discussing it OOCly.• I do have triggers when it comes to emotional abuses so I only ask that we talk about it before playing anything related to it.• Aside from what previously stated, I'm fine with mature and dark themes even if it's not a requirement. Consent will always be mandatory for all parties involved if we do mature/dark rp scenes.• Understand that I don't have a lot of free time & energy so I can't be ready to play 24/7.


- M U G E N -• French Gamer, English Speaker (sort of)
• Any pronoun (in doubt, they/them)
• Over 25yo but under 50yo
• Bad at video games but I do my best ♥
• I'm always open to communication but you need to respect my boundaries.